Kamis, 06 Desember 2018

Tentang Kesehatan: Dampak Buruk Mandi Malam


When you just arrived at home from the buzy activities outside, and you want to take a bath, maybe you will heard you parents said “don’t take a bath at night, or you will get disease” “take a rest first and then you can take a bath” “take a bath at night have many negative impact” and YES, THAT IS TRUE ! The following is the negative impact of night shower.

1.    Take a bath at night cause cold and flu

Night is time for our body to rest. If you take a bath at night with your body temperature is still hight and hot, it wil cause cold and flu. Because the cold weather and cold water will cause cold and flu or maybe it will be getting worst and cause fever.

2.    Take a bath at night cause earlier aging

Take a bath at night wil disturb fat metabolism. If the fat metabolism is not swift, it is influence skin to getting faster to wrinked.

3.    Take a bath at night trigger pneumonia

Take a bath at night will trigger pneumonia. Take a bath at night with cold water will cause pneumonia symptom like cough or other respiration problem although these symptom are not sure will cause pneumonia. 

4.    Take a bath at night can cause  uric acid

Take a bath at night also can lead to attacks of gout. This disease will actually occur because of the large consumption of purine substances in our body so that the levels of uric acid in the body will increase.

5.    Take a bath at night can effect muscle pain

People who take a bath at night will feel muscle pain. This is due to cold water at night like entering our body through the pores of the body.

            So, don’t take a shower at night and you will not get the negative impact. The best time to take a shower is 5-11 am in the morning or 3-5 pm in the afternoon. If you have to take a bath at night or early in the morning, you can use warm water.  You can wait till your body’s temperature is not high, but don’t make take a night shower as a habbit

Firscha, P. (2018, Agustus 23). Health: Fitness. Retrieved November 26, 2018, from IDN Times: https://www.idntimes.com/health/fitness/patricia-firscha/dampak-buruk-mandi-malam-bagi-kesehatanmu
Permana, H. (2017, September 22). Home:Tribunners:Budaya. Retrieved November 26, 2018, from Tribunners: http://www.tribunnews.com/tribunners/2017/09/22/manfaat-dan-bahaya-mandi-malam-hari
Rohma, A. (2018). Gaya Hidup Buruk. Retrieved November 26, 2018, from Halo Sehat: https://halosehat.com/gaya-hidup/gaya-hidup-buruk/8-dampak-bahaya-mandi-malam-hari-bagi-kesehatan-tubuh

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Tentang Kesehatan: Dampak Buruk Mandi Malam

NEGATIVE IMPACT OF NIGHT SHOWER FOR THE HUMAN HEALTH When you just arrived at home from the buzy activities outside, and you want to ta...